Which Trust, Revocable or Irrevocable?
There are important differences between the two types of trusts, including the amount of control you’ll have over your assets.
There are important differences between the two types of trusts, including the amount of control you’ll have over your assets.
No-contest clauses deter challenges to your estate plan. However, you might want to consider terms that allow for legit challenges related to undue influence.
Even though the death of a loved one comes with unbearable grief, there are important tasks you must carry out as soon as you’re able.
There are better—and often more creative—ways to plan and divide that can avoid family squabbles over cars, jewelry, furniture and household items.
Take the squabbling between siblings you’ve had to endure and referee as a parent. Now multiply it times age and money. That might give you some idea of the need to make your final wishes clear when the time comes to divvy up your assets.
History is filled with examples of celebrities who died without a will: Bob Marley, Prince, Howard Hughes, Pablo Picasso, Jimi Hendrix and even Abraham Lincoln.
An estate plan can give you peace of mind that things you value will be distributed according to your wishes when you die.
The agency has curbed the tax break on a particular kind of trust that is often used to minimize capital gains taxes.
It’s perfectly normal for aging parents who are currently completing their will along with their lawyer’s guidance, to leave the family home to their children.
If you are getting remarried, you obviously want to celebrate. However, it is also important to focus on less exciting matters, like redoing your estate plan.